Healing Wounds

I recently did some research on how the process of healing takes place in physical wounds, whether serious wounds or merely scrapes, cuts or abraisions.  Our bodies are truly facinating. The scientific classic model for wound healing is divided into four sequential, yet overlapping phases: First is called “Hemostasis,” which basically is the body’s ability to create a blood clot thus stopping the bleeding. Second is, “Inflammatory Sequence,” which increases the clotting process thus attracting debris, bacteria and damaged tissue. In elementary school you probably saw the scientific cartoons of the good cells warring against the bad cells. The third stage is called, “Proliferative,” which means the growing process of new cells. Lastly, is the “Remodeling Stage,” which is the repair or reconstruction of the wounded area. I liken it to God’s way of doing plastic surgery. Of course there is much more to the whole process of healing than these mere four principles. There are “Fibroblast Cells,” that contribute to the formulation of connective tissue fibers. They also produce what is called, “Collagen,” which are proteins that form strong fibers, connective tissue between cells. Collagen increases strength in the wound. Then there is a process called, “Epithelialization,” that begins to take place. We call this, “a scab,” it is a covering or protection from outside particles and it aids the healing process by the localization of all this action into the wound that will be tightening around the edges, closing in and shrinking the wound as the healing takes place.

Jesus, while being a man walking the earth, must have had a keen discernment regarding these things as He was the one who designed them. Imagine what it must have been like to live in a physical world that was created through Him, by Him and for Him, Col. 1:16. No wonder so many of His parables and teachings were expressed through natural illustrations within the physical universe. He used many metaphores connecting the physical world to spiritual principles. One powerful metaphore which totally stumbled the “Pastors” of His day is found in The Gospel of John, 6:47-53 as He says to them, “I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.” Here is the kicker that stumbled them, “Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” Then the next verse says, “Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves!” I bet! This is still the core of argument today as many religious leaders are bent on disproving Christ’s divinity. This is the main stumbling block. Then Jesus goes on to rub some salt into their indignation by saying, “Unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you……no life in you!

In tying my first paragraph into the second,  I quote from Robert W. Cummings, a missionary to India and well known writer, “Sin, (missing the mark, the relationship God desires to have with us.) amputated humanity from the source of its life in God. God in Christ takes humanity back into His body,The Source of true life, that man may eat the flesh of His body and drink the blood of His body and find life. Just as a sickly or infected part of my body can find life and strength only when it eats the flesh of my body and drinks the blood supplied by my body, so it is only as we eat the flesh of the Son of God and drink His blood that we can have life.” (Note the metaphore here regarding my first paragraph)

Life in Him begins to permeate my life both spiritually and physically (part of the same whole), while at the same time it actually enhances and pronounces my individuality  putting it all on display in all the intended glory of His Body on the earth.  As this New Year is upon us may we lay aside all our ” New Years Resolutions” for this one thing, that we may realize what it means to eat His flesh and drink his blood thus becoming truly one with Him. May our only resolve be this;  to surrender as we are empowered by The Holy Spirit to do so and may the deep wounds of our lives be localized and healed by His very being,  His presence within us and by His great love for us.

Happy New Year

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